yaronr / docker-mesos

A distributed computing cluster-in-a-box: Mesos, zookeeper, chronos, marathon, storm + add your own. Use other physical computers to add computation power to the cluster.
GNU General Public License v3.0
25 stars 8 forks source link

Added Marathon framework #1

Closed myspotontheweb closed 10 years ago

myspotontheweb commented 10 years ago

My first contribution to the cause.

Chronos still works for me...



         Name                        Command               State                         Ports                       
dockermesos_zookeeper_1   /usr/share/zookeeper/bin/z ...   Up      49181->2181/tcp                                   
dockermesos_master_1      --zk=zk://zookeeper:2181/m ...   Up      15050->5050/tcp                                   
dockermesos_nimbus_1      /storm-mesos-0.9/bin/storm ...   Up      49773->3773/tcp, 49772->3772/tcp, 49627->6627/tcp 
dockermesos_stormui_1     /storm-mesos-0.9/bin/storm ui    Up      49080->8080/tcp                                   
dockermesos_chronos_1     chronos                          Up      14400->4400/tcp                                   
dockermesos_slave_1       --master=zk://zookeeper:21 ...   Up                                                        
dockermesos_marathon_1    marathon                         Up      18080->8080/tcp          
myspotontheweb commented 10 years ago

Sorry for delay, back from vacation. I'm an Ubuntu user.