Closes: #100[issue number that will be closed through this PR]
Are you creating this PR under Hacktoberfest
Yes, I'm opening this PR under hacktoberfest.(Please remove this section if you are not a hacktoberfest participant)
Describe the changes you've made
I added padding to all the cards, removed the underline from text which seen on hover and added a free resources (Gradient Background which provide lots of different colours) to colours section.
Describe if there is any unusual behaviour of your code(Write NA if there isn't)
[x] My code follows the style guidelines of this project.
[x] I have performed a self-review of my own code.
[x] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas.
Related Issue
Closes: #100[issue number that will be closed through this PR]
Are you creating this PR under Hacktoberfest
Yes, I'm opening this PR under hacktoberfest.(Please remove this section if you are not a hacktoberfest participant)
Describe the changes you've made
I added padding to all the cards, removed the underline from text which seen on hover and added a free resources (Gradient Background which provide lots of different colours) to colours section.
Describe if there is any unusual behaviour of your code(Write
if there isn't)NA
Put any screenshot(s) of the project here. Before
Changes made by me