yashovardhan99 / HealersDiary

Healers Diary - an android app for healers to keep track of their patients and help in instant billing. The app is currently in development.
Apache License 2.0
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Implement analytics for tracking events. #37

Closed yashovardhan99 closed 3 years ago

yashovardhan99 commented 3 years ago

General - Events to track

Event name Params Description Tracking code Is Custom Notes Usage Logging Level
Screen View screen_name To record the screen at onResume screen_view :red_circle: Screen#trackView Fragment
Select content content_type, screen_ name, action, item_id (only for patients) To record when a particular healing/payment/patient is tapped on to open a detail page or edit/delete the item select_content :large_blue_circle: Only action is a custom attribute (used to indicate open, edit or delete). item_id is used here to indicate the patient id selected (This might be helpful later) Select(content, where, why)#trackEvent() Fragment
Onboarding status Indicate either onboarding complete, or onboarding launched due to clear all onboarding :heavy_check_mark: Possible values are completed and clear_all Onboarding#trackEvent()
Creation content_type, item_id To record new item created create :large_blue_circle: create is a custom event. item_id is for patient IDs Content#trackCreate() ViewModel
Editing content_type, item_id To record when items are edited edit :large_blue_circle: edit is a custom event. item_id is for patient IDs Content#trackEdit() ViewModel
Deletion content_type, item_id, quantity To record when records are deleted delete :large_blue_circle: delete is a custom event. item_id is for patient IDs, quantity (Might be added later) is for no. of records (healings + payments) associated with the patient Content#trackDelete() ViewModel
Import from v1 status, result To indicate various stages of the import flow import_v1 :red_circle: status can be requested, started or completed. result is added for completed stage -> success, retry or failed. Import#trackEvent() requested in ViewModel, others in worker.

Screen names Used (screen_name)

Screen Name used
Dashboard dashboard
PatientList patient_list
PatientDetail patient_detail
Analytics analytics
Settings settings
HealingLog healing_log
PaymentLog payment_log
CreateChoosePatient create_choose_patient
CreateChooseActivity create_choose_activity
CreatePatient create_patient
CreateHealing create_healing
CreatePayment create_payment
Onboarding onboarding
ImportV1 import_from_v1

Content types used (content_type)

Action values used (action)

yashovardhan99 commented 3 years ago

As of commit 1146a4c9085229154fc90ff7d546fa4003f57da6 Only tracking Select calls are left (partial).

yashovardhan99 commented 3 years ago

As of commit 1146a4c Only tracking Select calls are left (partial).

Seems to be done already. Can't find any new places to track select calls.