yashpola / pe

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Whitespaces in parameter values are ignored quietly when they should either be permitted or intercepted by error message #7

Open yashpola opened 2 months ago

yashpola commented 2 months ago


When attempting to add a company name with a leading whitespace, the whitespace is trimmed for me before the company is added. There is no mention in the UG warning me that this will happen and neither is there any error message intercepting this operation if I cannot have leading whitespaces in my parameter values

Expected Outcome

When I execute add c/ Straits Times p/12345678 e/jobs@mediacorp-digital.com a/321 Media Lane, Singapore 238163 t/I jd/Product Design Intern d/11-06-2024 0900 id/3 months s/1000 n/Be prepared to discuss current trends in the me, either the company's name in the interview card should be " Straits Times" or there should be an error message explaining why this is not possible. The application should not disregard the name I want to set for the company and trim the spaces

Actual Outcome



Moreover, when I execute an edit command with an invalid c/ parameter, I get the following message:


Which further suggests spaces in names should not be ignored.

nus-pe-bot commented 2 months ago

Team's Response

Severity.Low: A flaw that is unlikely to affect normal operations of the product. Appears only in very rare situations and causes a minor inconvenience only.

Response.NotInScope: It is a valid issue, but fixing it is less important than the work done in the current version of the product e.g., it was not related to features delivered in v1.4 or lower priority than the work already done in v1.4.

We understand your point of view but this falls within NotInScope and Severity.Low according to their description.

Items for the Tester to Verify

:question: Issue response

Team chose [response.NotInScope]

Reason for disagreement: The team did not really justify why they felt this was less important than the work done in the current version especially in terms of why it is unrelated to features delivered in v1.4. They merely rehashed the definition of out of scope.

The issue with relegating this bug out of scope is twofold:

  1. The behavior of the app is such that is overrides user input for a crucial command without fair warning or explanation. Indeed, there are not many examples of a company whose name has leading or trailing whitespaces. But it is not up to the developers to quietly restrict user inputs, especially when their inputs are not harmful or completely illogical. Its within the devs' responsibility to inform users of unexpected restrictions on existing features.

  2. Even then, information for users is inconsistent. As stated in the bug report, the error message for the edit command says names can only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces. All the more as a user I would be confused and possibly frustrated with why then I cannot have leading or trailing spaces in my company names. My only reproach would be to go out of my way to find and edit the json file (which would not work), or even worse take time to contact the developers. This is perhaps a more serious reason why this bug should not be out of scope, because omitting information for users (that leading or trailing whitespaces are trimmed) is one thing, but allowing behavior in the app that can be misleading is another.

For these two reasons, this bug should not be out of scope. It may still be of low severity since I admit its not likely for names to actually contain leading or trailing whitespaces, but it was certainly within the current responsibility of the developers when pushing out this version.

## :question: Issue severity Team chose [`severity.Low`] Originally [`severity.Medium`] - [ ] I disagree **Reason for disagreement:** [replace this with your explanation]