here i just picked for the lecture slides the nmap command to scan the port range witch nmap -p 4500-5000 -Pn -sT ip witch gave me the service ftp that was running, i tried to put ftp but it was wrong, but then i read the question again as it was asking for the type of servise not the name of the service and since the title was pointing on the version so i tried to put the version and it was right, and this would be one of the easiset exercice
here i just picked for the lecture slides the nmap command to scan the port range witch nmap -p 4500-5000 -Pn -sT ip witch gave me the service ftp that was running, i tried to put ftp but it was wrong, but then i read the question again as it was asking for the type of servise not the name of the service and since the title was pointing on the version so i tried to put the version and it was right, and this would be one of the easiset exercice