yasirkula / UnityIngameDebugConsole

A uGUI based console to see debug messages and execute commands during gameplay in Unity
MIT License
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Textmesh vertex limit #21

Closed Enovale closed 4 years ago

Enovale commented 4 years ago

I've run into an issue with this asset multiple times where my log is too large and the text in the in-game console doesn't get rendered and throws max vertices limit errors. The editor properly truncates the message, while this asset does not. I was able to hack together an easy solution but I wanted to let you know about it.

My solution: At about line 506 I put in this line: if(logString.Length >= maxLogLength) logString = logString.Remove(maxLogLength - stackTrace.Length) + "<Truncated>"; // Cut off log at a given limit minus the stacktrace length

yasirkula commented 4 years ago

Thanks for letting me know! Will apply your fix in the next release.