yasirkula / UnityIngameDebugConsole

A uGUI based console to see debug messages and execute commands during gameplay in Unity
MIT License
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Nintendo Switch and BoatAttack - The interface freezes and I can't interact #68

Closed ImanCol closed 1 year ago

ImanCol commented 2 years ago

I am using UnityIngameDebugConsole with BoatAttack project and running on Nintendo Switch.

When I load a different scene where I have assigned the prefab, the entire interface (touch) is disabled so I cannot close or open the console, as well as move around the game interface.

This only happens during a race or demo. In the demo it automatically returns to the Menu at the end of the race and the interface works again.

I have placed the IngameDebugConsole prefab in the "main_menu" scene when executed it scrolls as a child_object inside a temporary scene called DontDestroyOnLoad and is still present when another scene loads so I think it is not necessary to place the IngameDebugConsole prefab inside the scene another scene like level_Island.

When running it inside the Engine it still works correctly when loading another scene, only when I compile it on Switch the whole interface freezes when loading another scene where the IngameDebugConsole prefab had been assigned.

VIDEO: [Everything Is AWESOME](https://youtu.be/YJeGfYoUUDA "Everything Is AWESOME")

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ImanCol commented 2 years ago

If I assign the IngameDebugConsole prefab to the level_island scene, it works when it returns to main_menu, which doesn't have it.

yasirkula commented 2 years ago

I'd recommend you to deactivate IngameDebugConsole prefab's Event System child object and put an Event System to those scenes manually if one doesn't exist.