yasirkula / UnityIngameDebugConsole

A uGUI based console to see debug messages and execute commands during gameplay in Unity
MIT License
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Logs inside a catch #8

Closed dryn27 closed 5 years ago

dryn27 commented 5 years ago

Hey! I just realiced this asset is not showing me logs inside the try&catch. I am not sure why. Is there any solution to this?

yasirkula commented 5 years ago

Unexpected for me. This plugin fetches logs from the Application.logMessageReceived event. Try registering it to yourself for testing purposes and see if you receive the logs inside try-catch blocks.

yasirkula commented 5 years ago

The following code works on 5.6.2f1:

    int i = 0;
    Debug.Log( 1 / i );
catch( Exception e )
    Debug.LogException( e );