yasirkula / UnityNativeShare

A Unity plugin to natively share files (images, videos, documents, etc.) and/or plain text on Android & iOS
MIT License
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Cannot find instagram app when sharing #14

Closed anhnguyenvn closed 6 years ago

anhnguyenvn commented 6 years ago


I used plugin to share the screenshot but I couldnt see the instagram app in the list. My phone has the instagram app installed. Could you help me on this issue? Thank you so much


yasirkula commented 6 years ago

Is it Android or iOS?

P.S. Do you also set subject and/or text and how many images are you sharing at once?

anhnguyenvn commented 6 years ago

it is on iOS only. I share one image only and also set text and subject. Thank you!

yasirkula commented 6 years ago

See: https://medium.com/@ihsuanlee3/instagram-icon-is-missing-from-uiactivityviewcontroller-290d9080587c

anhnguyenvn commented 6 years ago

I got it, sharing only image is allowed. Thank you so much!