yasirkula / UnityNativeShare

A Unity plugin to natively share files (images, videos, documents, etc.) and/or plain text on Android & iOS
MIT License
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Auto-fill "To" #140

Closed AirOwlin closed 2 years ago

AirOwlin commented 2 years ago

Hi, dear yasirkula!

Is it possible to add an auto-fill function to "To"?

yasirkula commented 2 years ago

On Android, it's said to be possible but on iOS, it isn't. I may add this feature to Android but probably not very soon.

AirOwlin commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. I will be waiting for the next updates. )

yasirkula commented 2 years ago

Does replacing NativeShare.aar with the one inside this zip archive auto populate the recipients with test1@gmail.com and test2@gmail.com in all combinations on Android (e.g. when only text is shared, only image is shared, both text and image are shared)?

AirOwlin commented 2 years ago

Replaced Native Share.arr. Checked with text and image. Everything works.

yasirkula commented 2 years ago

Can you also check if this change affects the list of available apps in the share sheet by switching between this NativeShare version and the latest released NativeShare version? If adding recipients removes e.g. WhatsApp or Facebook from the list, it might be a problem.

AirOwlin commented 2 years ago

I've checked everything. When I used Gmail (and also other mail applications), it fills in all the recipients that you have recorded. The rest of the applications offer to choose from a list of friends and etc. Therefore, autofill doesn't break on applications such as Whatsapp or Facebook.

yasirkula commented 2 years ago

Thank you! I'll add this API to Android in the next release 😺

AirOwlin commented 2 years ago

Thank you! I will be waiting for this API. You're the best!!!