yasirkula / UnityNativeShare

A Unity plugin to natively share files (images, videos, documents, etc.) and/or plain text on Android & iOS
MIT License
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iOS can't post subject/message #3

Closed GrandAndrew closed 6 years ago

GrandAndrew commented 6 years ago

iOS native sharing feature only successfully post images without the subjects/messages.

yasirkula commented 6 years ago

Hello GrandAndrew,

With which application did you try to share the images with? Also, what happened when you tried to post images with the subjects and/or messages?

GrandAndrew commented 6 years ago

Any applications, Facebook, Twitter, LINE, all have the images but no text for subject and/or message. I tried other plugin (showSocialSharing) and both the image sharing and text sharing actually works.

yasirkula commented 6 years ago

Months later, I've updated the plugin. While doing so, I've inspected the showSocialSharing code and frankly, I couldn't spot any significant difference between the two codes.

It may be possible that the Facebook app itself omits the text. I've tried Twitter with the latest update and sharing image with text worked without a problem.