yasirkula / UnityNativeShare

A Unity plugin to natively share files (images, videos, documents, etc.) and/or plain text on Android & iOS
MIT License
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Exclude Facebook #59

Closed svisveswar001 closed 4 years ago

svisveswar001 commented 4 years ago

How would I exclude Facebook App from the Chooser on Android. (For IOS I was able to do add this to NativeShare.mm activity.excludedActivityTypes = @[UIActivityTypePostToFacebook];

For Android I see there is an option to EXTRA_EXCLUDE_COMPONENTS but don't know how it can be set. Any suggestions?

yasirkula commented 4 years ago

NativeShare doesn't support it. You'd have to modify the Android source code on Android Studio, rebuild the NativeShare.aar file and replace the one in your Unity project with it.

svisveswar001 commented 4 years ago

Ok thank you!