yasirkula / UnityNativeShare

A Unity plugin to natively share files (images, videos, documents, etc.) and/or plain text on Android & iOS
MIT License
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can't build on android console errors #68

Closed GameDevBhavesh closed 4 years ago

GameDevBhavesh commented 4 years ago


yasirkula commented 4 years ago

Are there any NativeShare.jar files in the project? If not, how many NativeShare.aar files are there? If more than one, at which locations?

GameDevBhavesh commented 4 years ago

Are there any NativeShare.jar files in the project? If not, how many NativeShare.aar files are there? If more than one, at which locations?

i'm also using gree's native webview plugin for unity and it cointains webview.jar file and there is only one nativeshare.aar file

edited:- also there is two java files in this nativeshare plugin under jarsource folder do i need to import only plugin folder ?? waiting for your reply : )

GameDevBhavesh commented 4 years ago

and also under gree's plugin there is one .jslib file

yasirkula commented 4 years ago

You need only Plugins folder, yes. If deleting other NativeShare files doesn't resolve the issue, then it'd be helpful to see the whole error message; it might indicate where the duplicate classes are located at.

GameDevBhavesh commented 4 years ago

You need only Plugins folder, yes. If deleting other NativeShare files doesn't resolve the issue, then it'd be helpful to see the whole error message; it might indicate where the duplicate classes are located at.

thanks man removing other folders resolved this problem. your great its builded without any errors and working as i wanted thanks again : )