A clear and concise description of what the bug is. Before reporting a bug, please do a quick search in Issues to see if it is already reported. If the documentation has a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), please also check out the entries there.
Reproduction steps
If possible, providing reproduction steps would be very helpful while pinpointing the issue. You can also post screenshots if you think they would be helpful.
Platform specs
Please provide the following info if this is a Unity 3D repository.
Unity version: e.g. 2018.3.1f1
Platform: e.g. Android, iOS, Windows
Device: if Platform is Android or iOS, please provide the model and the OS version of your device; e.g. Samsung Galaxy S8, Android 10
How did you download the plugin: e.g. Asset Store, GitHub, Package Manager. Please make sure that your asset is up-to-date
Additional info
Please check Logcat (Android) or Xcode console (iOS) for any meaningful error messages and include them here.
Description of the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is. Before reporting a bug, please do a quick search in Issues to see if it is already reported. If the documentation has a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), please also check out the entries there.
Reproduction steps
If possible, providing reproduction steps would be very helpful while pinpointing the issue. You can also post screenshots if you think they would be helpful.
Platform specs
Please provide the following info if this is a Unity 3D repository.
Additional info
Please check Logcat (Android) or Xcode console (iOS) for any meaningful error messages and include them here.