yasirkula / UnitySimpleFileBrowser

A uGUI based runtime file browser for Unity 3D (draggable and resizable)
MIT License
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Add an 'any supported format' filter #1

Closed Qqwy closed 7 years ago

Qqwy commented 7 years ago

We have used this with great success in our Global Game Jam 2017 game Eye Can't Hear.

One question/feature request though: We want players to be able to add any supported audio file. As such, we'd like a filter to allow the player to select any file having one of the .mp3, .wav, .flac, .aiff, .ogg extensions.

An 'any supported format' filter would be greatly appreciated.

yasirkula commented 7 years ago

Will do! Thanks for the suggestion.

yasirkula commented 7 years ago

I was busy with work. I will try to implement multi-filter feature soon, as well as a recycled list view for much better performance.

yasirkula commented 7 years ago

Update is now live.