yasirkula / UnitySimpleFileBrowser

A uGUI based runtime file browser for Unity 3D (draggable and resizable)
MIT License
819 stars 111 forks source link

Select file or folder #19

Closed ahmkam closed 4 years ago

ahmkam commented 4 years ago

Is it possible to select either a file or a folder using the ShowLoadDialog? if i folder mode to true then I can't select a file even if I provide filters

yasirkula commented 4 years ago

You'd have to modify the source code, you can find all occurrences of folderselectmode inside FileBrowser.cs and modify the script as you wish.

yasirkula commented 3 years ago

Added support in https://github.com/yasirkula/UnitySimpleFileBrowser/commit/6980dfdbfc09f91305d367f6904ec3bc9efd22fe