yasirkula / UnitySimpleFileBrowser

A uGUI based runtime file browser for Unity 3D (draggable and resizable)
MIT License
819 stars 111 forks source link

All I can select is folder ONLY. #5

Closed naive231 closed 6 years ago

naive231 commented 6 years ago

OS: Android 4.4.2 CPU: RK3288 I paste the sample codes, build the apk, and install it to my system. Dialog shows, I can switch to every folder I want, but I can't see and files. Is that a bug?

yasirkula commented 6 years ago

I suspect that either the file filter was set to '.*jpg' and you didn't have any .jpg files in the directories you browsed or folderMode was set to true in the ShowLoadDialog/WaitForLoadDialog function.