yasirkula / UnitySimpleFileBrowser

A uGUI based runtime file browser for Unity 3D (draggable and resizable)
MIT License
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Update FileBrowser.cs #54

Closed drew-512 closed 3 years ago

drew-512 commented 3 years ago

added ItemPassesFilter delegate -- nicer than extensions :)

drew-512 commented 3 years ago

SimpleFileBrowser is awesome, thanks!

yasirkula commented 3 years ago

I get the idea behind this PR but this isn't something I've seen on any other file browser before. What kind of use-case prompted you to create this feature?

drew-512 commented 3 years ago

Well, I needed SFB to filter for multiple extensions (e.g. *.ext.zip). Offering a custom filter callback seems like a great way to future-proof SFB for any kind of foreseeable file name filter, so it seems like a no-brainer.

I think it's high value when software offers flexibility when it comes at low or no cost.

yasirkula commented 3 years ago

You can define multiple extensions in a single filter. Do you mean an extension *.ext.zip where ext part can be any 3-letter string? I honestly have never seen such flexible extensions used anywhere before.

drew-512 commented 3 years ago

You can define multiple extensions in a single filter. Do you mean an extension *.ext.zip where ext part can be any 3-letter string? I honestly have never seen such flexible extensions used anywhere before.

No, I'm talking about making a filter that accepts, say, files that only end with ".tar.zip". The current code only looks at the rightmost extension. I'm not getting your resistance around a simple extension to the filter code that makes it possible to perform arbitrary filtering.

yasirkula commented 3 years ago

When we follow your way, the issue will still be there for Filter constructors that don't take a ItemPassesFilter parameter (e.g. FileBrowser.SetFilters( true, ".tar.gz" )). After making sure that SetFilters( true, ".tar.gz" ) works correctly (which it does with the latest commit), there's no need for ItemPassesFilter so I don't see a benefit in merging it.

Regardless, thanks for the PR!

drew-512 commented 3 years ago

What about someone wanting your use a regex? Your resistance is so strange here -- as if you want your work to be less flexible. There is literally zero downside from adding this -- you are an engineer, correct?

yasirkula commented 3 years ago

Tell me about other file browser APIs that let you use a callback function as a callback, tell me about practical use-cases of this feature other than theoretical "you can regex with it" instead of trying to insult me. Just because you've created a feature that you think is useful doesn't make that feature actually useful. Prove me that it's useful. I won't be adding useless features to my plugin. And I take my previous compliment back -- since you're so insistent on being mean -- I won't be thanking you for this PR.