yasirkula / UnitySimpleFileBrowser

A uGUI based runtime file browser for Unity 3D (draggable and resizable)
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Documentation fails to mention how to re-wrap aar #60

Closed SavedByZero closed 2 years ago

SavedByZero commented 2 years ago


There are instructions about how to edit the .aar bundle to remove a line from AndroidManifest, but none about how to re-wrap it; neither 7-zip nor WinRar offer this archiving format.

SavedByZero commented 2 years ago

eh, I got the upgrade working despite Unity's bugginess around updating SDKs, don't worry about it.

yasirkula commented 2 years ago

I myself simply open the .aar with 7-zip or WinRAR, double click the AndroidManifest, modify it, and then when I return to the opened archive, say Yes to the "Should the archive be updated?" dialog.