I switched between unity platform version 2020.3.1f1 to unity 2022.3.12f1
I still get the same results. The files are not visible in play-mode.
*Downloaded the .unitypackage from Github, imported the package into Unity. I downloaded the latest version of the asset
Platform: PC windows
Build target : PC windows
*additional log error below
Trying to add MoreOptionsButton (UnityEngine.UI.Image) for graphic rebuild while we are already inside a graphic rebuild loop. This is not supported.
UnityEngine.UI.Graphic:set_color (UnityEngine.Color)
SimpleFileBrowser.UISkin:ApplyTo (UnityEngine.UI.Text,UnityEngine.Color) (at Assets/Plugins/SimpleFileBrowser/Scripts/UISkin.cs:556)
SimpleFileBrowser.UISkin:ApplyTo (UnityEngine.UI.InputField) (at Assets/Plugins/SimpleFileBrowser/Scripts/UISkin.cs:568)
SimpleFileBrowser.FileBrowser:RefreshSkin () (at Assets/Plugins/SimpleFileBrowser/Scripts/FileBrowser.cs:1283)
SimpleFileBrowser.FileBrowser:Awake () (at Assets/Plugins/SimpleFileBrowser/Scripts/FileBrowser.cs:879)
Hi, please I need some help using this asset package.
I have tried following the steps from issues https://github.com/yasirkula/UnitySimpleFileBrowser/issues/70 but nothing seems to work.
I switched between unity platform version 2020.3.1f1 to unity 2022.3.12f1
I still get the same results. The files are not visible in play-mode.
*Downloaded the .unitypackage from Github, imported the package into Unity. I downloaded the latest version of the asset
Platform: PC windows Build target : PC windows
*additional log error below
_``` Trying to add MoreOptionsButton (UnityEngine.UI.Image) for graphic rebuild while we are already inside a graphic rebuild loop. This is not supported. UnityEngine.UI.Graphic:set_color (UnityEngine.Color) SimpleFileBrowser.UISkin:ApplyTo (UnityEngine.UI.Text,UnityEngine.Color) (at Assets/Plugins/SimpleFileBrowser/Scripts/UISkin.cs:556) SimpleFileBrowser.UISkin:ApplyTo (UnityEngine.UI.InputField) (at Assets/Plugins/SimpleFileBrowser/Scripts/UISkin.cs:568) SimpleFileBrowser.FileBrowser:RefreshSkin () (at Assets/Plugins/SimpleFileBrowser/Scripts/FileBrowser.cs:1283) SimpleFileBrowser.FileBrowser:Awake () (at Assets/Plugins/SimpleFileBrowser/Scripts/FileBrowser.cs:879)