Closed vinaymcp closed 4 years ago
You need to modify function sendPrintToPrinter in GoogleCloudPrint.php most probably $post_fields array at line # 184
I tried adding 'media_size' => "100",
$ps = '"{"media_size": "1","fit_to_page":"100"}"'; 'PrinterDescriptionSection' => $ps
nothing seems to increase the size its just printing small on a POS printer since by default its taking A4 size, not sure what is the way out. Pleas share some light.
Well i think first you have to get all the fields of specified printer using /printer api then in response you will get all fields of the printer. Share the api result here then we can see what parameter should be used to set paper size?
Paste this function in "GoogleCloudPrint.php":
public function getPrinterInfo($printerid, $use_cdd = false) {
// Check if we have auth token
if(empty($this->authtoken)) {
// We don't have auth token so throw exception
throw new Exception("Please first login to Google");
// Prepare auth headers with auth token
$authheaders = array(
"Authorization: Bearer " .$this->authtoken
$post_fields = array(
'printerid' => $printerid,
'use_cdd' => $use_cdd
$responsedata = $this->httpRequest->getResponse();
// Make Http call to get printers added by user to Google Cloud Print
$printer_infos = json_decode($responsedata);
// Check if we have printers?
if(is_null($printer_infos)) {
// We dont have printers so return blank array
return "OH OH! Nothing here!";
else {
// We have printers so returns printers as array
return $this->arrayCastRecursive($printer_infos);
Also paste this function:
private function arrayCastRecursive($array)
if (is_array($array)) {
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$array[$key] = $this->arrayCastRecursive($value);
if ($value instanceof stdClass) {
$array[$key] = $this->arrayCastRecursive((array)$value);
if ($array instanceof stdClass) {
return $this->arrayCastRecursive((array)$array);
return $array;
This function just gives the output data some order!
And then just call the function:
$printerinfo = $gcp->getPrinterInfo($printerid, false);
This is the ouput what i get, if i take a manual print then this settings work fine for me.
"custom_display_name": "LT 8.5 x 11 in",
Not sure how do i configure it using api.
{ "success": true, "xsrf_token": "AIp06Dh4Ni67BJRofErAsUpNgzsxWhkXZA:1439303217821", "request": { "time": "0", "users": [ "" ], "params": { "extra_fields": [ "connectionStatus,semanticState,uiState,queuedJobsCount" ], "use_cdd": [ "true" ], "input_type": [ "" ], "printerid": [ "3e9b3611-5c2c-79c7-5e4f-1593afac329c" ] }, "user": "" }, "printers": [ { "tags": [ "^recent", "^own", "^connector", "^can_share", "^can_update", "^can_delete", "cpchrome_version\u003d44.0.2403.130 m", "cpprinter-location\u003d", "cpprinter-make-and-model\u003dEPSON TM-T81II Receipt5", "cpsystem_driverinfo\u003dEPSON TM-T81II Receipt5;6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255);Microsoft\u00ae Windows\u00ae Operating System;6.1.7600.16385", "cpsystem_name\u003dWindows NT", "cpsystem_version\u003d6.1", "cptagshash\u003d50448389b719b93f93e17dbae806decd" ], "createTime": "1437205417593", "ownerName": "dhiraj S.m d", "uiState": { "summary": "IDLE", "severity": "NONE" }, "accessTime": "1439007570013", "updateTime": "1439297883490", "status": "4096", "ownerId": "", "gcpVersion": "1.0", "capsHash": "99300b94a9a628eee4a6d3abc5b39ac9", "semanticState": { "cloud_connection_state": "ONLINE", "version": "1.0" }, "isTosAccepted": false, "access": [ { "scope": "", "membership": "MANAGER", "email": "", "name": "dhiraj S.m d", "role": "OWNER", "type": "USER" } ], "type": "GOOGLE", "id": "3e9b3611-5c2c-79c7-5e4f-1593afac329c", "connectionStatus": "ONLINE", "description": "", "proxy": "C3FAED0F-886C-45F9-AAF6-5D045C6D1DD2", "name": "EPSON TM-T81II Receipt", "defaultDisplayName": "", "local_settings": { "current": { "xmpp_timeout_value": 300 } }, "queuedJobsCount": 0, "capabilities": { "printer": { "supported_content_type": [ { "content_type": "application/pdf" } ], "color": { "option": [ { "is_default": true, "type": "STANDARD_MONOCHROME", "vendor_id": "1" } ] }, "media_size": { "option": [ { "custom_display_name": "A4 210 x 297 mm", "height_microns": 297000, "width_microns": 210000, "name": "ISO_A4", "vendor_id": "119" }, { "custom_display_name": "LT 8.5 x 11 in", "height_microns": 279400, "width_microns": 215900, "name": "NA_LETTER", "vendor_id": "120" }, { "custom_display_name": "Postcard 100 x 148 mm", "height_microns": 148000, "width_microns": 100000, "name": "JPN_HAGAKI", "vendor_id": "121" }, { "custom_display_name": "Roll Paper 58 x 297 mm", "height_microns": 297000, "width_microns": 58000, "vendor_id": "122" }, { "custom_display_name": "Roll Paper 58 x 3276 mm", "height_microns": 3276000, "width_microns": 58000, "vendor_id": "123" }, { "custom_display_name": "Roll Paper 80 x 297 mm", "height_microns": 297000, "width_microns": 80000, "is_default": true, "vendor_id": "124" }, { "custom_display_name": "Roll Paper 80 x 3276 mm", "height_microns": 3276000, "width_microns": 80000, "vendor_id": "125" } ] }, "page_orientation": { "option": [ { "is_default": true, "type": "PORTRAIT" }, { "type": "LANDSCAPE" }, { "type": "AUTO" } ] }, "dpi": { "option": [ { "vertical_dpi": 203, "is_default": true, "horizontal_dpi": 203 } ] } }, "version": "1.0" }, "displayName": "EPSON TM-T81II Receipt" } ] }
These are my settings for printing on photo-paper...
$printSettings = '{
"version": "1.0",
"print": {
"page_orientation": {
"top_microns": 0,
"right_microns": 0,
"bottom_microns": 0,
"left_microns": 0
"dpi": {
"fit_to_page": {
"type": 1
"media_size": {
So for using "LT 8.5 x 11 in" use this:
$printSettings = '{
"media_size": {
"custom_display_name": "LT 8.5 x 11 in",
"height_microns": 279400,
"width_microns": 215900,
"name": "NA_LETTER",
"vendor_id": "120",
Look at the other settings I set for seeing other settings as landscape etc...
This is how you send the settings correctly:
$post_fields = array(
'printerid' => $printerid,
'title' => $printjobtitle,
'ticket' => $printSettings,
'contentTransferEncoding' => 'base64',
'content' => base64_encode($contents), // encode file content as base64
'contentType' => $contenttype
@vinaymcp so you can now send any of the settings your printer supports like
$printSettings = '{ "media_size": { "custom_display_name": "Roll Paper 80 x 3276 mm", "height_microns": 3276000, "width_microns": 80000, "vendor_id": "125" }, } }';
I just found out what the best way for getting the perfect ticket options is:
1.) Got to Google Cloud Print, where you see your Print-Jobs. 2.) On the left there's the "Print"-Button, where you can make a direct upload and send a print-job, with all the settings you can make for the printer. 3.) (At least when you're in Chrome) you can see your submitted print-job in the "Network"-Tab in your Delevoper-Console (something-like "submit?printerid...") and when you look inside that object, you can find the ticket you've just sent (request > params > ticket), which you can copy directly and use in your config! ;)
@der-lukas How can i see object details when i send print using Print button in Google Cloud Print web console? Can you please share screen shots? I am uploading my screens but can't find where to get object details as you mentioned in step 3.
At first I make all the adjustments and then press Print ("Drucken" in my case)
Then in Chrome Developer Console I choose the tab "Network" and look for the "submit"-request!
This is great thanks for sharing this.
This is fantastic code! The remote print capability was just what I needed. Thank you!
I was wondering if there is a way to send vendor capabilities through sendPrintToPrinter(). I'm searching for a way to print borderless images. When I change the margins to zero, there is still about an 1/8th inch border on the edges of the page. My printer has the capability to print borderless (full bleed), but I'm unable to get it working despite many variations. I've even tried changing the default printer settings in C.U.P.S.. There isn't a lot of info on the web about this particular usage/application, so I thought I'd ask the experts!
Here is a screenshot of my printer's capabilities with the borderless options highlighted.
I've tried many variations of this:
"page_borderless": { "type":"0" },
Do you have any idea if this will work (provided I have the right code), or if full bleed borderless printing is possible through Google Cloud Print?
Thank you!
@jmg460 can you follow @der-lukas comment and see if that helps
@yasirsiddiqui -- Thank you for the quick response.
I've picked apart the developer console code and seemingly found what I needed, but copying that code didn't seem to work. I kept getting a ticket error response from GCP.
@jmg460 But can you achieve the right output by making the setting via the GCP interface?
@der-lukas I can't get the right output through the GCP interface. I had tried, but I didn't check every combination until a few moments ago. Even though the advanced borderless option appears to be available, it doesn't work no matter the page fit option or border margin combination I choose. That makes me think this isn't possible, at least for now...
Thank you for the quick response! This is my first experience on GitHub. I will definitely stick around.
thanks for the help here. but in the code how can I set the parameters off the page size?
An error occured while printing the doc. Error code:424 Message:Failed to parse the print job's print ticket. thanks Dani
WOW !!! Vielen Dank Lukas!!! . Nach 8 Stunden ärgern, diese Lösung zu finden ist wunderbar.
@mikesteiner99 Freut mich! Hab mich damals auch sehr lang herumgeärgert, bis ich den Trick gefunden habe! ;)
@vinaymcp so you can now send any of the settings your printer supports like
$printSettings = '{ "media_size": { "custom_display_name": "Roll Paper 80 x 3276 mm", "height_microns": 3276000, "width_microns": 80000, "vendor_id": "125" }, } }';
$this->httpRequest->setPostData($post_fields); @yasirsiddiqui I need to specify the media settings, how can i add this to current version of GCP
I am having hard time to set paper size using api, can you please tell me how to do it ?
I wanted to know which file i need to modify in order to pass the parameters as discussed in another thread ?