Title: A systematic review of population health indicators that monitor the health effects of climate change
Question: What are the population health indicators that monitor the health effects of climate change?
Databases to be included:
Web of Science;
The Cochrane Library;
Google Scholar;
UCL Library.
Inclusion criteria:
Language: articles in English, Spanish, Portuguese will be included in this review because:
Date: no restrictions in order to capture the majority of publications.
Types of study to be included: All primary, secondary, and grey literature will be included. Any study that presents, develops, summarises, discusses, or analyses population health indicators that are related to the climate change impacts on health.
Exclusion criteria:
Unpublished work, news or opinion articles on websites
The protocol for this systematic review was published on 7 May 2021 https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?RecordID=253704
Title: A systematic review of population health indicators that monitor the health effects of climate change
Question: What are the population health indicators that monitor the health effects of climate change?
Databases to be included:
Inclusion criteria:
Exclusion criteria: