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Screen Titles & Abstracts #4

Open yasna-palmeiro opened 2 years ago

yasna-palmeiro commented 2 years ago

This step is to be done using covidence and general discussion.


Eligibility criteria to consider:

  1. Inclusion Criteria

    • Articles published in English, Spanish, Portuguese
    • There is no time limitation
    • Primary, secondary and grey literature will be included
    • Any study that presents, develops, summarises, discusses or analyses population health indicators that are related to climate change impacts on human health (or climate risks).
  2. Exclusion Criteria

    • Unpublished work, news or opinion articles on websites
yasna-palmeiro commented 2 years ago

When we're screening, Raul and Jose (50:50) need to check that any article was already reviewed by any of you. One article should be reviewed by Raul OR Jose AND Yasna.