yassineaboukir / sublert

Sublert is a security and reconnaissance tool which leverages certificate transparency to automatically monitor new subdomains deployed by specific organizations and issued TLS/SSL certificate.
MIT License
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Not getting updates #11

Closed jaikishantulswani closed 4 years ago

jaikishantulswani commented 5 years ago

Hello @yassineaboukir ,

Setup sublert on 27th March to monitor 20+ domains but till today I am getting the same notification "Couldn't find any new valid subdomain" even the "output" folder is not showing updated files of fetched domains as it still showing the last updated date "Mar 27", am I doing anything wrong ?

Thank You

yassineaboukir commented 5 years ago

Hi @jaikishantulswani,

It might be true that Sublert couldn't identify any new subdomain deployed by the monitored organizations but it also could be a bug, would you make sure to update your repository to use the latest version 1.7.4? Then just copy the domains.txt file from the old directory to the new repo and run Sublert again.

Keep me updated.


jaikishantulswani commented 5 years ago

Hello @yassineaboukir , Thank you for your reply. It Works :+1:

jaikishantulswani commented 5 years ago

Hello @yassineaboukir ,

Yesterday it works after as you suggested but now today morning it again showing the same notification "Couldn't find any new valid subdomain" and not updating the output folder too, even after setting up the sublert again :(

jaikishantulswani commented 5 years ago

Now getting the error in log There was an error opening one of the files: example.com.txt or example.com_tmp.txt with the notification in monitoring We couldn't find any new valid subdomains

jaikishantulswani commented 5 years ago

Hello @yassineaboukir , Any suggestion on this as I am still facing this issue.