yassineaboukir / sublert

Sublert is a security and reconnaissance tool which leverages certificate transparency to automatically monitor new subdomains deployed by specific organizations and issued TLS/SSL certificate.
MIT License
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Question: TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable #13

Closed pooja2508 closed 4 years ago

pooja2508 commented 5 years ago

I'm trying to use sublert but its showing following error, have followed the steps (but instead of VPS, i'm running from a ubuntu box), could you please suggest how to fix this error ?

root@UbuntuNTP2:~/sublert# python sublert.py -u google.com

               _____       __    __          __
              / ___/__  __/ /_  / /__  _____/ /_
              \__ \/ / / / __ \/ / _ \/ ___/ __/
             ___/ / /_/ / /_/ / /  __/ /  / /_
            /____/\__,_/_.___/_/\___/_/   \__/

Traceback (most recent call last): File "sublert.py", line 439, in multithreading(parse_args().threads) File "sublert.py", line 418, in multithreading adding_new_domain(domain_to_monitor) File "sublert.py", line 228, in adding_new_domain for subdomain in response: TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable root@UbuntuNTP2:~/sublert# python -V Python 2.7.12 root@UbuntuNTP2:~/sublert#

yassineaboukir commented 5 years ago


I think Sublert failed to fetch the subdomains of google.com. I think I'll need to add an exception to handle this case but can you to run it again and see if you receive any error logged to your slack channel?

pooja2508 commented 5 years ago

Thankyou for your reply. I retried it but getting the same error & there are no error logged in slack channel as well : root@UbuntuNTP2:~/sublert# python sublert.py -u paypal.com

               _____       __    __          __
              / ___/__  __/ /_  / /__  _____/ /_
              \__ \/ / / / __ \/ / _ \/ ___/ __/
             ___/ / /_/ / /_/ / /  __/ /  / /_
            /____/\__,_/_.___/_/\___/_/   \__/

Traceback (most recent call last): File "sublert.py", line 439, in multithreading(parse_args().threads) File "sublert.py", line 418, in multithreading adding_new_domain(domain_to_monitor) File "sublert.py", line 228, in adding_new_domain for subdomain in response: TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable root@UbuntuNTP2:~/sublert# python sublert.py -u amazon.com

               _____       __    __          __
              / ___/__  __/ /_  / /__  _____/ /_
              \__ \/ / / / __ \/ / _ \/ ___/ __/
             ___/ / /_/ / /_/ / /  __/ /  / /_
            /____/\__,_/_.___/_/\___/_/   \__/

Traceback (most recent call last): File "sublert.py", line 439, in multithreading(parse_args().threads) File "sublert.py", line 418, in multithreading adding_new_domain(domain_to_monitor) File "sublert.py", line 228, in adding_new_domain for subdomain in response: TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable root@UbuntuNTP2:~/sublert#

However i can do a curl to slack channel with same webhoook url. Could you please suggest if I'm missing anything while executing the script ?

pooja2508 commented 5 years ago

Have tried running script using python3 also, but no luck: root@slave-ubuntu-187:/var/TOOLS/sublert# python3 sublert.py -u paypal.com

               _____       __    __          __
              / ___/__  __/ /_  / /__  _____/ /_
              \__ \/ / / / __ \/ / _ \/ ___/ __/
             ___/ / /_/ / /_/ / /  __/ /  / /_
            /____/\__,_/_.___/_/\___/_/   \__/

         Author: Yassine Aboukir (@yassineaboukir)
                       Version: 1.4.7

Traceback (most recent call last): File "sublert.py", line 440, in multithreading(parse_args().threads) File "sublert.py", line 419, in multithreading adding_new_domain(domain_to_monitor) File "sublert.py", line 229, in adding_new_domain for subdomain in response: TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable root@slave-ubuntu-187:/var/TOOLS/sublert#

pooja2508 commented 5 years ago

Hi @yassineaboukir, Have you got a chance to look into this query & suggest how shall i proceed further with this ? I have tried on 2-3 setups with python2/3 and unfortunately have received the same error.

yassineaboukir commented 4 years ago


I was unfortunately unable to reproduce the issue and might be caused by your Python environment instead.
