Closed H4ckint0sh closed 4 months ago
Hey, thanks for trying it out.
Yeah, the default quit keymap is <C-c>
or <C-d>
, but that's configurable with config.json
About the highlighting issue, i'm curious to know that also happen if you run serpl
inside a normal terminal instead of floaterm
Hey, thanks for trying it out. Yeah, the default quit keymap is
, but that's configurable withconfig.json the highlighting issue, i'm curious to know that also happen if you run
inside a normal terminal instead offloaterm
That is working!:
Yeah i figured, this is probably due to your neovim color configuration.
Yeah i figured, this is probably due to your neovim color configuration.
I am confused as lazygit is actually working in another float so it cant be.
Hmm, that is weird, i will try to reproduce this, would you mind posting your floatterm config.
Hmm, that is weird, i will try to reproduce this, would you mind posting your floatterm config.
-- Require Terminal from toggleterm
local Terminal = require("toggleterm.terminal").Terminal
-- Define a new terminal with the `serpl` command
local serpl = Terminal:new({
cmd = "serpl",
direction = "float",
highlights = {
Normal = { link = "Normal" },
NormalNC = { link = "NormalNC" },
NormalFloat = { bg = mocha.none, fg = mocha.text},
FloatBorder = { link = "FloatBorder" },
StatusLine = { link = "StatusLine" },
StatusLineNC = { link = "StatusLineNC" },
WinBar = { link = "WinBar" },
WinBarNC = { link = "WinBarNC" },
float_opts = {
border = "curved",
width = math.floor(0.7 * vim.fn.winwidth(0)),
height = math.floor(0.8 * vim.fn.winheight(0)),
close_on_exit = true,
-- Function to toggle the `serpl` terminal
function _Serpl_toggle()
-- Key mapping to open the floating terminal with `serpl` command
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<F10>", ":lua _Serpl_toggle()<CR>", { noremap = true, silent = true })
I have find the culprit. There was a winblend set to a number bove 0 and that made it go black.
That make sense, glad you found the solution!
I am on mac and whenever I press quit when the serpl is open inside floating terminal created by toggleterm the program does NOT quite.
EDIT: The cursor is moved to the bottom upon Escp press and then I am stuck there.
EDIT2: I need new glasses, the quit is actually c-c!
Anyways the background highlight is wrong.