yassinedoghri / astro-i18next

An astro integration of i18next + some utility components to help you translate your astro websites!
MIT License
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[vite] Error when evaluating SSR module astro:scripts/page-ssr.js: failed to import "i18next-fs-backend" |- Error: Cannot find module 'i18next-fs-backend' imported from 'astro:scripts/page-ssr.js' #155

Open vaynevayne opened 1 year ago

vaynevayne commented 1 year ago

when i exec pnpm run dev

mvllow commented 1 year ago

As the error states, you are missing i18next-fs-backend. Try pnpm add i18next-fs-backend.

vaynevayne commented 1 year ago

better is add it to peerDependencies

Akasiek commented 7 months ago

Had the same problem when installing with pnpm. But Astro asked for i18next first and then for i18next-fs-backend. Running pnpm add i18next i18next-fs-backed fixed it.

lucasmarinb commented 2 months ago

Had the same problem when installing with pnpm. But Astro asked for i18next first and then for i18next-fs-backend. Running pnpm add i18next i18next-fs-backed fixed it.

This worked for me.