yassinedoghri / astro-i18next

An astro integration of i18next + some utility components to help you translate your astro websites!
MIT License
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why `astro-i18next generate ` cli modify my src folder? #156

Closed vaynevayne closed 1 year ago

vaynevayne commented 1 year ago

The first time I used astro, I didn't know much about the concept of server-side framework. Could you help me popularize science?

  1. This command should be executed at build to modify files under dist, not src ? My guess is that astro uses pages for routing and ignores dist, so I need to modify the src directory, so I need to execute generate before run build.

  2. How do I make it execute on build, Is this order okay?

    `build`: 'pnpm run astro-i18next generate   build '
  3. When I use multiple languages, the path of the request changes, because I need to serve, right? Do I have to turn on ssr? How to configure it, please? When I use multiple languages, the path of the request changes, because I need to serve, right? Do I have to turn on ssr? How to configure it, please? Thank you

ddx32 commented 1 year ago

I'm not a maintainer, but some sort of solution for this seems to be planned for the 1.0.0 release. I'd suggest closing this issue as it is a duplicate of #110 (referenced in the roadmap).