yassinedoghri / astro-i18next

An astro integration of i18next + some utility components to help you translate your astro websites!
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Does changing language make the public folder innacessible? #172

Open alan-barzilay opened 10 months ago

alan-barzilay commented 10 months ago

I'm kinda confused about the problem so apologies if I can't explain it properly in my first try.

I use some images as backgrounds or svgs as buttons, they are in the public folder so using them is simple, src"image_name.jpg" works as intended. However, this changes when I switch out from the main language (english) to any other one (french for example). Apparently it tries to find the image in the specific language folder instead of looking at the root of the public directory: image

Is there a way to not "localize" the images? The domain will change so I would rather not use an absolute path, but I can't seem to find a way to make it work with a relative path.

Am I missing something obvious? I would rather not copy the same images into multiple folders, seems a bit error prone.

Thanks for the help! (ps: i don't think this is a bug so I didnt report as such, do you need some additional information from my side?) (pss: the examples sites (https://github.com/yassinedoghri/examples/ and https://github.com/yassinedoghri/website/ ) return 404) image