Closed XiaXinjie closed 2 years ago
Thank you very much. I am not goot at english, but I have some questions and need some help.
the config.json: { "name": "deeplabv3_plus", "n_gpu": 1, "use_synch_bn": false,
"arch": { "type": "DeepLab", "args": { "backbone": "Xception", "freeze_bn": false, "freeze_backbone": false } }, "train_loader": { "type": "CityScapes", "args":{ "data_dir": "data/.....", "batch_size": 8, "base_size": 400, "crop_size": 380, "augment": true, "shuffle": true, "scale": true, "flip": true, "rotate": true, "blur": false, "split": "train_aug", "num_workers": 8 } }, "val_loader": { "type": "CityScapes", "args":{ "data_dir": "data/......", "batch_size": 8, "crop_size": 480, "val": true, "split": "val", "num_workers": 4 } }, "optimizer": { "type": "SGD", "differential_lr": true, "args":{ "lr": 0.01, "weight_decay": 1e-4, "momentum": 0.9 } }, "loss": "CrossEntropyLoss2d", "ignore_index": 255, "lr_scheduler": { "type": "Poly", "args": {} }, "trainer": { "epochs": 100, "save_dir": "saved/", "save_period": 10, "monitor": "max Mean_IoU", "early_stop": 10, "tensorboard": true, "log_dir": "saved/runs", "log_per_iter": 20, "val": true, "val_per_epochs": 10 }
According to, I replaced the deeplabv3_plus code and used the new Xception code. The results are showing as follow:
In this results, the Validation results have some strange,I am eager to konw what's wrong.
I am sorry, "split": "train" is corret.
你好 可以加你联系方式吗 我最近在用这个代码 出现一样的问题 跑city数据集 时候 精度不是很理想 你解决问题了吗 我WV 18155759923
can you try the newly added model
Thank you very much. I am not goot at english, but I have some questions and need some help.
the config.json: { "name": "deeplabv3_plus", "n_gpu": 1, "use_synch_bn": false,
According to, I replaced the deeplabv3_plus code and used the new Xception code. The results are showing as follow:
In this results, the Validation results have some strange,I am eager to konw what's wrong.