Open icarrara opened 4 years ago
@icarrara Let me look into this. If this can be done only by taglib and no backend modification is necessary, this could be added as a template.
David's blog for reference
@yasuflatland-lf I saw that localized fileds was changed so we need backend motification, right ?
Do you think that it is still possible to implement localized fileds in Damascus ?
In Liferay portal, Varchar and RichText columns may have multilingual capabilities.
To define a multilingual column, in ServiceBuilder we need for example:
<column name="description" type="String" localized="true" />
If you want to access the above column from jsp page, you have to write:
<%= LanguageUtil.get(pageContext,"description") %>
If you want to access the above column from controller, you have to write:
PortletConfig portletConfig = (PortletConfig) portletRequest.getAttribute(JavaConstants.JAVAX_PORTLET_CONFIG);
String description = LanguageUtil.get(portletConfig, locale, key);
where: locale = themeDisplay.getLocale() key = the key which you have defined in file.
Question/Request: To manage in Damascus columns with multilingual capabilities, it is possible to implement a new property in Varchar and RichText fields as below and manage it?
{ "type": "com.liferay.damascus.cli.json.fields.Varchar", "name": "title", "title": "Title", "length": "80", "showFieldInView": "true", "required": "true", "localized": "true" }
Thank you for comments.