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Rewrite to Pytorch Lightning #3

Open relativityhd opened 2 years ago

relativityhd commented 2 years ago

Hello I am Tobias Hölzer, the guy from IBM who wrote you a few month ago. Sorry for my super late reply about the PR, I was super busy these days. However, I managed to rewrite your EntityTyper in PyTorch-Lightning. I did that to increase performance and reproducability for a thesis in one of my university classes. I wasn't able to rewrite the actual linking part, since I couldn't understand what is going on in that part of the code. 😅 I also removed some parts which aren't used with the default configuration, e.g. the opt-out of enhanced_mention or mention_lstm. I put the stuff in a new folder, so the old code is still untouched. If you have any questions about the code or recognise anything missing please feel free to contact me: tobiashoelzer@hotmail.com. 😄