yatish27 / salesforce_bulk_api

A Ruby client for Salesforce's bulk API
MIT License
79 stars 97 forks source link

API Version 32 in 0.0.12? #76

Open robob27 opened 4 years ago

robob27 commented 4 years ago


I just noticed that my bulk client is using API version 32. I took a look on this repo and I see that the API version was updated to 46, but I don't see those changes in the files that gem installed when I gem install salesforce_bulk_api

I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the gem:

❯ gem uninstall salesforce_bulk_api
Successfully uninstalled salesforce_bulk_api-0.0.12

❯ gem install salesforce_bulk_api
Fetching salesforce_bulk_api-0.0.12.gem
Successfully installed salesforce_bulk_api-0.0.12
Parsing documentation for salesforce_bulk_api-0.0.12
Installing ri documentation for salesforce_bulk_api-0.0.12
Done installing documentation for salesforce_bulk_api after 0 seconds
1 gem installed

❯ gem which salesforce_bulk_api

Then if I vi /Users/robgoodberry/.gem/ruby/2.6.5/gems/salesforce_bulk_api-0.0.12/lib/salesforce_bulk_api.rb I'm still seeing the older code with the @@ class variables and API version 32:

require 'salesforce_bulk_api/version'
require 'net/https'
require 'xmlsimple'
require 'csv'
require 'salesforce_bulk_api/concerns/throttling'
require 'salesforce_bulk_api/job'
require 'salesforce_bulk_api/connection'

module SalesforceBulkApi

  class Api
    attr_reader :connection


Am I messing something up here or has the most recent master just not been released?

Thanks for any help!

skostojohn commented 4 years ago

Same question. I was trying to use the get_batch_records method of the Job class, and getting errors, and when I looked at the code on my machine the method was not there - looks like it was added in late 2019 and the rubygems version doesn't have it....

