yausername / youtubedl-android

youtube-dl for android
GNU General Public License v3.0
934 stars 172 forks source link

403 HTTP error #245

Open joh9911 opened 11 months ago

joh9911 commented 11 months ago

2023-08-11 21:18:35.097 28947-28947/ D/url: https://rr1---sn-3uhvcpax-bh2e.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?expire=1691777914&ei=GifWZNK3FJCzqAHT1a4Q&ip=2001%3Ae60%3A8013%3A2221%3A91d3%3Af2d2%3Aa1e5%3Affe&id=o-APndUZ9h9lOl0TIRq4tnj54jKlDW1Ob3dFZPsiVeSAxT&itag=22&source=youtube&requiressl=yes&mh=m-&mm=31%2C29&mn=sn-3uhvcpax-bh2e%2Csn-3u-bh2l6&ms=au%2Crdu&mv=m&mvi=1&pcm2cms=yes&pl=36&gcr=kr&initcwndbps=767500&spc=UWF9f4AWu_QBRtCaSiXtIjRa7KDkZbsuhXIc1LiW-w&vprv=1&svpuc=1&mime=video%2Fmp4&cnr=14&ratebypass=yes&dur=2733.685&lmt=1679678468140492&mt=1691756008&fvip=7&fexp=24007246%2C51000024&c=ANDROID&txp=5532434&sparams=expire%2Cei%2Cip%2Cid%2Citag%2Csource%2Crequiressl%2Cgcr%2Cspc%2Cvprv%2Csvpuc%2Cmime%2Ccnr%2Cratebypass%2Cdur%2Clmt&sig=AOq0QJ8wRQIgV6dddBxBMGaRaIMRwdZznEDRTkRLq48Hq6bBh9m1PwACIQCXNbR1mngOQIls0mVopVScKU4P0tu2sWlHCB85T2-OLA%3D%3D&lsparams=mh%2Cmm%2Cmn%2Cms%2Cmv%2Cmvi%2Cpcm2cms%2Cpl%2Cinitcwndbps&lsig=AG3C_xAwRQIgaRpmXJHYHMcaybSRonnLiSIiO8l6oMIujbLaKaQfaWsCIQDLlm45hdaGr32J8tEQzUEP2eoV-60Crydzy4LQjvEhkA%3D%3D

I could get URL from requests

val request = YoutubeDLRequest(videoId1) request.addOption("-f","best")

Ver: implementation 'com.github.yausername.youtubedl-android:library:-SNAPSHOT'

palVikas9 commented 10 months ago

Any updates on this ? I am also facing the same issue.

yyms3275 commented 10 months ago

Have you tried resetting the library? I solved the problem with the code below.

code : YoutubeDL.getInstance().init(this);

palVikas9 commented 10 months ago

Like reimporting the library ? @yyms3275. Which version are you using, as when I tried to use the official apk from master branch, I ran into same error.

joh9911 commented 10 months ago

In youtube-dl issue tap, there are issues related to this, and a solution would be just updating to the latest version. So I tried many times updating through the code YoutubeDL.getInstance().updateYoutubeDL(this@MediaService, YoutubeDL.UpdateChannel._STABLE) But event after that, I face the same issue.

joh9911 commented 10 months ago

@palVikas9, I'm not sure if it's only for me or not, but recently I've updated the library to UpdateChannel._nightly and everything seems to be working fine now.

palVikas9 commented 10 months ago

Okay @joh9911, let me try again.

SanjayPathak289 commented 10 months ago

did it worked any solutions?

joh9911 commented 10 months ago

Did you try updating to Nightly channel ? @SanjayPathak289

palVikas9 commented 10 months ago

Nightly channel also not working for me.