yawaramin / re-web

Experimental web framework for ReasonML & OCaml
MIT License
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be able to configure the port and listen to inet_addr_any #16

Closed tcoopman closed 4 years ago

tcoopman commented 4 years ago

I've been playing with re-web and enjoying it so far. One of the things I was trying to do was to play with a build in docker, but found out it didn't work because the server needs to listen to inet_addr_any instead of inet_addr_loopback.

I have changed this in a branch on my fork: https://github.com/yawaramin/re-web/compare/master...tcoopman:inet_addr_any?expand=1

I can create a PR if you give me some insights in how you would want this to be configured.

You probably want to add something in the Config module?

yawaramin commented 4 years ago

Cool, please do send a PR when you can :-) the port is configurable currently from Server.serve ?port server, but it would be cool to have it as a config.

yawaramin commented 4 years ago

Fixed by #17