yawaramin / re-web

Experimental web framework for ReasonML & OCaml
MIT License
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Unable to load compilation data: No root directory found #24

Closed hartmut27 closed 4 years ago

hartmut27 commented 4 years ago

I am using VS Code with extension reason-vscode Reason Language Server (RLS). I cloned the re-web demo application with git clone https://github.com/yawaramin/fullstack-reason.git test01. OCaml native backend end NPM reason frontend both work very well, this is very encouraging :)

The non-critical problem: In file backend/App.re, when I navigate to open ReWeb; (see screenshot), reWeb.ml is opened. Starting from here, I can't lookup the symbols because of "No root directory found" in VS Code's error message.

The problem does not relate to ReWeb directly, sure the origin lies more in Reason Language Server's handling of native esy compiled ocaml-files, but I could find a solution yet.

If anybody have found an work-around, please let me know. No problem if you close this issue, then it could be used for reference reasons - then perhaps it helps other people wanting get in touch ReWeb and search a way around this problem.

Following RLS issues are relating (not solved yet): 162, 177, 334

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yawaramin commented 4 years ago

Hi, thanks for trying it out :-) I think this is a general problem with OCaml tooling–editor support tools only work within the project itself, not on dependencies. See this thread: https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/merlin-goto-definition-inside-installed-libraries/2788