yawkale / nop-umbraco-integration

Integration of nopCommerce and Umbraco
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Integrating NopStarterKit.Web #7

Open Willem676 opened 6 years ago

Willem676 commented 6 years ago


When I edit the connectionstring in NopStarterKit.Web to an empty database, the umbraco installation keeps looping and doesn't get executed.

Can this solution be started or is it just an example of how you should integrate it in your own project?



mpwebstudio commented 6 years ago

Same issue here :(

Cheers Mike

Willem676 commented 6 years ago

After reseaching more about this project i noticed only the product / categories / basket are currently integrated for the most part. The checkout process seems to be implementented static.

yawkale commented 6 years ago

For run NopStarterKit.Web you should use sample DB, it's will not work with empty DB. Umbraco DB: http://www.nopintegra.com/forum/umbraco.zip Nop DB: http://www.nopintegra.com/forum/nop.zip

wmlockhart commented 6 years ago

Has anyone got this to work?

I used the Umbraco DB from here: http://www.nopintegra.com/forum/umbraco.zip as recommended previously.

However, when I run the solution, I get the exception "The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request."

at Line 25: var response = request.GetResponse();

in the file: AccessProvider.cs

in the project: Nop.Api.Adapter project

I guess it's because the username and password fields are empty.

I don't know how to fix this issue.

Can someone help please?

yawkale commented 6 years ago

Yes, you need to define clientid and client secret on Umbraco and nop sides you can see it here https://github.com/yawkale/nop-umbraco-integration

wmlockhart commented 6 years ago

Thank you.

wmlockhart commented 6 years ago

I followed those instructions and it now works.

However, the product image for 'Adobe Photoshop CS4' and a number of other images, do not display in the Umbraco site for some reason.

Can you help me please?

umairwaheed2244 commented 6 years ago

Hi i am having the same issue when using the sample umbracoDb .I had set the client id and client secret from nopsite but it is still giving The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.

yawkale commented 6 years ago

checking this issue

umairwaheed2244 commented 6 years ago

Hi My nop site is configured on http://localhost:90 and UmbracoStarterKit site is configured on http://localhost:92. I have generated the client id and Client Secret keys on Nop site and configured those configurations in UmbracoStarterKit of WebConfig. like Client Id=caedb2a9-b420-4adc-be0f-3d99b90fa069 Client Secret=dee7f617-bdbf-4a9e-ad90-96f00bbf7d13 ServerUrl=http://localhost:90 (Nop site) RedirectUrl=http://localhost:92/umbraco/surface/Authorization/GetAccessToken

when i run the application giving an error of "The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request". Is there anyone who resolved my issues.


yawkale commented 6 years ago

please verify that Callback Url in nop commerce api also configured to http://localhost:92/umbraco/surface/Authorization/GetAccessToken

umairwaheed2244 commented 6 years ago

@yawkale yes it is configured with http://localhost:92/umbraco/surface/Authorization/GetAccessToken

umairwaheed2244 commented 6 years ago

@yawkale Thanks. Sometimes it works fine and sometimes displays the error "The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request". when it works fine the images are not displayed and when clicked on product item in front end it gives an error of compilations. like

Compiler Error Message: CS1061: 'Umbraco.Web.PublishedContentModels.Product' does not contain a definition for 'Photos' and no extension method 'Photos' accepting a first argument of type 'Umbraco.Web.PublishedContentModels. Product' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

I am in trouble so Please resolved mine issues. Thanks

yawkale commented 6 years ago

"The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request". can be only in case of wrong client id, secret, redirect url or callback url. I'll merge the latest version to master shortly, it's contains some new features and bugs fixing

umairwaheed2244 commented 6 years ago

@yawkale Thanks for your efforts. Hope you will upload the files soon and kindly let me know while you will do this. Thanks

yawkale commented 6 years ago

I merge all code to master, please let me know if you still have issue with it

umairwaheed2244 commented 6 years ago

Really appreciate your effort @yawkale

-Still there are some issues that if i want to add an item to cart it not happening. Appears this error in popup window "Failed to add the product. Please refresh the page and try one more time."

-Sorting by filters are not working.


umairwaheed2244 commented 6 years ago

Hi @yawkale, Sorry to disturb you but it would be great if you could please guide me for some the points mentioned here

yawkale commented 6 years ago

Sorting by filters are not working - new issue created Shopping cart giving error while clicking it - can you show me the error?

umairwaheed2244 commented 6 years ago

Dear @yawkale Error image url here, hope this will help to investigate


Thank You

yawkale commented 6 years ago

this is a complex product, simple product works for you?

can you show what error return server http://prntscr.com/jktlpz - you can see it as a response from ajax call

umairwaheed2244 commented 6 years ago

Hi @yawkale actually I don't know about the complex and simple products. These errors are appearing on my console, please have a look.

https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/39156395/40344384-fbf4052e-5dad-11e8-904a-b0f980d288c0.png https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/39156395/40344399-1134f056-5dae-11e8-8229-8a562ac95388.png

umairwaheed2244 commented 6 years ago

Hi @yawkale

I am in trouble so kindly suggest me or resolved my error.i have appeared issues in my project which i told you in previous comments.


umairwaheed2244 commented 6 years ago

@yawkale i will highly appreciate any early help as i am facing some serious problems regarding this project.

RobertCarlaw commented 6 years ago

I've not looked at this project for a while, but regarding the screenshots. You need to turn errors on or we've no chance in understanding what is going on. From my understanding this is fairly young and you'll need to debug/ fix/ extend as you go.

Stick a break point, step through and let us know what the error is.

What version of Umbraco are you using?

yawkale commented 6 years ago

Good idea to turn off custom errors and output of ajax call - http://prntscr.com/jr249d Looks like some error occurs on Umbraco side or connecting to nop. We can try to do the session on skype, my skype is yyworm

RobertCarlaw commented 6 years ago

You need to make sure you've got a OAuth token if I remember correctly.