yawlfoundation / editor

YAWL Process Editor
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
5 stars 2 forks source link

Editor Enhancement for Customised YAWL forms #2

Open yawlfoundation opened 8 years ago

yawlfoundation commented 8 years ago
Issue/Problem: Programming knowledge required to develop customised web 
forms with the same look and feel as the client's own forms. This could be 
very time consuming for a process designer.

Current solutions (*David's proposals*)
1) Take the format of the client's web form, word, excel, pdf form, add 
javascript coding and add marshall/unmarshall code
2) Take YAWL's standard custom form by running the process in the engine, 
save the source code and make changes to the look and feel of the form

Desired Functionality: For each task, the designer is given a code snippet 
for a "vanilla" YAWL form with input/output data variables marshalling 
already taken care of. It could be the source code of the current YAWL's 
standard custom form. The designer can then save this html file and make 
changes to the look and feel using an HTML editor. 

Benefit: The ability to develop impressive-looking custom forms for 
demonstration purposes in a short time frame
*This would be a very useful enhancement for a process designer with 
limited programming experience.*

Original issue reported on code.google.com by moew...@gmail.com on 20 Jul 2009 at 5:55

yawlfoundation commented 8 years ago
Sounds like a good student project

Original comment by yawl.mic...@gmail.com on 2 Sep 2009 at 1:40