yayaa / LocationManager

Simplify getting user's location for Android
806 stars 187 forks source link


Closed icyield closed 1 year ago

icyield commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the library.

Have you an example of using the library to allow ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION?

yayaa commented 2 years ago

Have you tried within a service / workmanager with a configuration something link the following?

LocationConfiguration awesomeConfiguration = new LocationConfiguration.Builder()
         new PermissionConfiguration.Builder()
                  new String[] { permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION }
    .useGooglePlayServices(new GooglePlayServicesConfiguration.Builder().build())
    .useDefaultProviders(new DefaultProviderConfiguration.Builder().build())
yayaa commented 2 years ago

Happy to accept PR for the example if you build :)