yazaldefilimone / hexa.rs

A programming language designed to execute on its dedicated virtual machine.
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parser | challenges and design notes. #2

Open yazaldefilimone opened 2 months ago

yazaldefilimone commented 2 months ago


  1. Likewise, add support for the C-style conditional or “ternary” operator ?:. What precedence level is allowed between the ? and :? Is the whole operator left-associative or right-associative?
yazaldefilimone commented 2 months ago

DESIGN NOTE: LOGIC VERSUS HISTORY Let’s say we decide to add bitwise & and | operators to Lox. Where should we put them in the precedence hierarchy? C—and most languages that follow in C’s footsteps—place them below ==. This is widely considered a mistake because it means common operations like testing a flag require parentheses.

if (flags & FLAG_MASK == SOME_FLAG) { ... } // Wrong.
if ((flags & FLAG_MASK) == SOME_FLAG) { ... } // Right.

Should we fix this for Lox and put bitwise operators higher up the precedence table than C does? There are two strategies we can take.

You almost never want to use the result of an == expression as the operand to a bitwise operator. By making bitwise bind tighter, users don’t need to parenthesize as often. So if we do that, and users assume the precedence is chosen logically to minimize parentheses, they’re likely to infer it correctly.

This kind of internal consistency makes the language easier to learn because there are fewer edge cases and exceptions users have to stumble into and then correct. That’s good, because before users can use our language, they have to load all of that syntax and semantics into their heads. A simpler, more rational language makes sense.

But, for many users there is an even faster shortcut to getting our language’s ideas into their wetware—use concepts they already know. Many newcomers to our language will be coming from some other language or languages. If our language uses some of the same syntax or semantics as those, there is much less for the user to learn (and unlearn).

This is particularly helpful with syntax. You may not remember it well today, but way back when you learned your very first programming language, code probably looked alien and unapproachable. Only through painstaking effort did you learn to read and accept it. If you design a novel syntax for your new language, you force users to start that process all over again.

Taking advantage of what users already know is one of the most powerful tools you can use to ease adoption of your language. It’s almost impossible to overestimate how valuable this is. But it faces you with a nasty problem: What happens when the thing the users all know kind of sucks? C’s bitwise operator precedence is a mistake that doesn’t make sense. But it’s a familiar mistake that millions have already gotten used to and learned to live with.

Do you stay true to your language’s own internal logic and ignore history? Do you start from a blank slate and first principles? Or do you weave your language into the rich tapestry of programming history and give your users a leg up by starting from something they already know?

There is no perfect answer here, only trade-offs. You and I are obviously biased towards liking novel languages, so our natural inclination is to burn the history books and start our own story.

In practice, it’s often better to make the most of what users already know. Getting them to come to your language requires a big leap. The smaller you can make that chasm, the more people will be willing to cross it. But you can’t always stick to history, or your language won’t have anything new and compelling to give people a reason to jump over.