yazbap / MY472_final_assignment

Final assignment for MY472-Data for Data Scientists
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Peer review #1

Open no7beatrice opened 5 months ago

hua5tu commented 5 months ago

Hi :)I feel glad to review your work, and below is my feedback

Substance of the report:

  1. This analysis exhibits creativity and innovation by leveraging R selenium to extract additional data beyond the provided source. The author prioritises depth over breadth, concentrating on the impact of party affiliation on MPs' questioning tendencies, supported by supplemental data.
  2. Presentation quality is good, ensuring clarity in tables, maps, and plots. However, detailed interpretation and explanations are warranted to help readers who are not professional data scientists to understand. And it would be better to have a title for each figure. I do not understand why the similar overall health and economic activity for Conservative and Labour constituencies would lead to the conclusion that regional health and economic indicators may not be strong factors that influence MP questioning behaviour. I believe a more detailed interpretation and explanation of the presentation maps plots could help me solve the confusion.
  3. I observed your emphasis on party affiliation, specifically focusing on Conservative and Labour while categorizing other parties as "others." It is advisable to include an examination of other parties to ensure a more comprehensive analysis. This would prevent the report from overly emphasizing the division between Conservative and Labour, fostering a more inclusive and nuanced understanding of party dynamics.


  1. The data science practice is commendable, featuring well-annotated code and adept web scraping skills using Rselenium. I especially like the clear code structure, which are categorised into sections like "GET Functions," "Create Functions," and "Clean Functions," which enhances readability.
  2. However, the project's efficiency could be further enhanced by replacing for loops with apply and map functions, since for loops are always slow in R. Also, instead of printing out a message to indicate the process, one can just use message() function.
  3. Finally, I recommend employing a script that verifies and installs the necessary packages to facilitate a seamless execution.

(I am sorry to send it again. I just found that I used the wrong account.)