yazninja / wuwa-tweaks

A CLI tool for tweaking settings and optimizations for Wuthering Waves
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
28 stars 1 forks source link

Linux build requires "tasklist" which is a windows-exclusive executable #8

Open midi1996 opened 2 months ago

midi1996 commented 2 months ago
8 |  * Tmp
 9 |  *
10 |  * Copyright (c) 2011-2017 KARASZI Istvan <github@spam.raszi.hu>
11 |  *
12 |  * MIT Licensed
13 |  */var S=import.meta.require("fs"),$8=import.meta.require("path"),Y6=import.meta.require("crypto"),S5=J6(),uD=process.binding("constants"),Z8=S5(),H8=/XXXXXX/,Q6=(uD.O_CREAT||uD.fs.O_CREAT)|(uD.O_EXCL||uD.fs.O_EXCL)|(uD.O_RDWR||uD.fs.O_RDWR),y5=uD.EBADF||uD.os.errno.EBADF,v5=uD.ENOENT||uD.os.errno.ENOENT,cD=[],K6=!1,J8=!1,d1=process.versions.node.split(".").map(function(D){return parseInt(D,10)});if(d1[0]===0&&(d1[1]<9||d1[1]===9&&d1[2]<5))process.addListener("uncaughtException",function D(F){throw J8=!0,C6(),F});process.addListener("exit",function D(F){if(F)J8=!0;C6()});l5.tmpdir=Z8;l5.dir=h5;l5.dirSync=g5;l5.file=f5;l5.fileSync=m5;l5.tmpName=Y8;l5.tmpNameSync=X8;l5.setGracefulCleanup=a5});var R6=A((E1)=>{var e5=E1&&E1.__extends||function(){var D=function(F,u){return D=Object.setPrototypeOf||{__proto__:[]}instanceof Array&&function(_,W){_.__proto__=W}||function(_,W){for(var $ in W)if(W.hasOwnProperty($))_[$]=W[$]},D(F,u)};return function(F,u){D(F,u);function _(){this.constructor=F}F.prototype=u===null?Object | ... truncated 

TypeError: Executable not found in $PATH: "tasklist"

      at /$bunfs/root/wuwa-tweaks-linux:13:66854
      at h6 (/$bunfs/root/wuwa-tweaks-linux:13:66905)
      at /$bunfs/root/wuwa-tweaks-linux:13:41549

Bun v1.1.12 (Linux x64)

As title says, it's looking for an executable that doesn't exist.

yazninja commented 1 week ago

may i know what launcher you use, as i will edit my code for linux compatability but i need to know where i should apply my patches on

midi1996 commented 6 days ago

it's the default launcher however it's running inside wine, so the script will probably not know where it is by default. The best option here is to ask the user to provide the path to the game folder.