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I can't evaluate according to the procedure given on the page using python evaluate.py #39

Closed AronSam1 closed 2 years ago

AronSam1 commented 2 years ago

inference.py works fine but I can't evaluate on linemod and occlusion using evaluate.py. When I enter the path to dataset and path to weights in the following command, "python evaluate.py --phi 0 --weights /path_to_weights/file.h5 --validation-image-save-path /where_to_save_predicted_images/ linemod /path_to_dataset/Linemod_preprocessed/ --object-id 8"

I give the path to dataset and path to weights as follows: python evaluate.py --phi 0 --weights /weights/Linemod/object_8/phi_0_linemod_best_ADD.h5 --validation-image-save-path /predictions/linemod_eval/ linemod ./Datasets/Linemod_preprocessed/ --object-id 8

python evaluate.py --phi 0 --weights /weights/Occlusion/phi_0_occlusion_best_ADD(-S).h5 --validation-image-save-path /predictions/occlusion/ occlusion ./Datasets/Linemod_preprocessed/

It gives the following error:

2022-04-04 15:58:54.719694: F tensorflow/stream_executor/lib/statusor.cc:34] Attempting to fetch value instead of handling error Internal: failed to get device attribute 13 for device 0: CUDA_ERROR_UNKNOWN: unknown error