ybkscht / EfficientPose

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Rotation Error in Predictions #78

Closed madhanuman closed 4 months ago

madhanuman commented 4 months ago

Dear @ybkscht

I am trying to use a custom dataset and run into troubles regarding the predictions of the model. I used the debug.py file and it gave me following outputs: Image1

This looks correct to me and I then trained my model and got these values of the training: mAP: 0.9906 ADD: 0.9900 ADD-S: 0.9900 5cm_5degree: 0.0000 TranslationErrorMean_in_mm: 37.0934 TranslationErrorStd_in_mm: 23.4644 RotationErrorMean_in_degree: 99.3070 RotationErrorStd_in_degree: 41.9650 2D-Projection: 0.2131 Summed_Translation_Rotation_Error: 201.8299 ADD(-S): 0.9900 AveragePointDistanceMean_in_mm: 37.0991 AveragePointDistanceStd_in_mm: 23.4630 AverageSymmetricPointDistanceMean_in_mm: 36.5519 AverageSymmetricPointDistanceStd_in_mm: 23.4492 MixedAveragePointDistanceMean_in_mm: 37.0991 MixedAveragePointDistanceStd_in_mm: 23.4630

The ADD was really high and the TranslationErrorMean_in_mm is low enough but unfortnuately the Rotation error was quite high... And the inference.py file showed that too: 1 I checked the intrinsic camera matrix, the scale of the GT and the model itself... Regarding GT and model i had the feeling it should be true since also the debug.py file showed... I also tried using different translation loss scale factor but it did not improve the results...

Do you have any idea where my problem is?

Thank you very much for your help and contributions!

monajalal commented 4 months ago

@madhanuman could you please share your environment.yaml / ubuntu version/ other reqs please?

madhanuman commented 4 months ago

This would be the environment.yml `name: EfficientPose channels:

madhanuman commented 4 months ago

I was able to solve this issue... I realized it was indeed the scaling which was wrong... I had to change the gt.yml i created for my custom dataset and then also modify the models_info.yml now the rotation error is >10 degrees

monajalal commented 4 months ago

@madhanuman would you please share the .yaml file here (the original file) or email it to mona.jalal.tmh@gmail.com? The current format is damaged by github.

Also, what is your Ubuntu version? Is your Python python=3.7.16? Are you using a Docker btw?

Thanks a lot for your help.

madhanuman commented 4 months ago

I am using anaconda for managing the project so i dont use ubuntu... and yes i use python 3.7.16

SMhang commented 3 months ago

May I ask if your problem has been resolved? I have encountered the same problem as you and would like to ask for your advice