ybrs / single-beat

ensures only one instance of your process across your servers
MIT License
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Should sigterm immediately expire lock? #35

Open s4ke opened 3 years ago

s4ke commented 3 years ago

First off, thanks! This works great.

One thing that I noticed when trying this out is that during redeploy, we have to wait until the lock has timed out until the next single-beat process can pick up the slack. While I applaud the simplicity of this approach, this can be an issue for some deployments that use the locktime of 300 with an interval of 60 as suggested in the README.

Would it be feasible to have the current beat process on detecting a sigterm release the lock in Redis immediately after it is terminated?

s4ke commented 3 years ago

Also, one other usage question that is related to using this to achieve HA with celery-beat:

Wouldn't it be safer to wait until the child process has actually exited before exiting ourselves? And if the child is not responding, could we do a SIGKILL after a while?