yck1509 / ConfuserEx

An open-source, free protector for .NET applications
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SharpDX DLL #101

Closed killerjohn closed 9 years ago

killerjohn commented 9 years ago


My problem is the following: I successully obfuscate my own .exe and other assemblies. I can pack them together, but I have two problem:

1) my project uses SharpDX and ConfuserEx failed to process it: [ERROR] Failed to resolve a member, check if all dependencies are of correct version. Exception: dnlib.DotNet.MemberRefResolveException: Could not resolve method/field: System.Void SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextLayout[0...,0...]::.ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32) at dnlib.DotNet.Extensions.ResolveThrow(IMemberRefResolver self, MemberRef memberRef) in e:\Source\Public\Confuser2\dnlib\src\DotNet\IResolver.cs:line 82

2) if I don't add the SharpDX dlls to the Project tab's module list but I choose the "compressor" packer, and just place the SharpDX dlls next to the final .exe then it can not start with the following windows error message: Problem Signature 09: System.IO.FileNotFoundException

My question is the following: is there any way I can add SharpDX to the Project tab and tell ConfuserEx to do not try to understand/obfuscate it at all, just pack into the final exe.

You can find the SharpDX dlls here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/6u3xan5bupcgy4t/SharpDX.zip

yck1509 commented 9 years ago

Should be fixed by bc34b13b07d8fb40703173215dbba270c762b3bb.