yck1509 / ConfuserEx

An open-source, free protector for .NET applications
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[ERROR] Failed to resolve dependency #179

Closed knaveeng closed 9 years ago

knaveeng commented 9 years ago

1) ConfuserEx is throwing error "Failed to resolve dependency". The dll is present in the folder. 2) If I specify the problematic dll in the project, it includes additional warning [WARN] [log4net.dll] SN Key is not provided for a signed module, the output may not be working.

The log of case 1 is included below.

Help is greatly appreciated !!!

[INFO] ConfuserEx v0.4.0 Copyright (C) Ki 2014 [INFO] Running on Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1, .NET Framework v4.0.30319.1022, 64 bits [DEBUG] Discovering plugins... [INFO] Discovered 10 protections, 1 packers. [DEBUG] Resolving component dependency... [INFO] Loading input modules... [INFO] Loading 'Coal_Allocation_Main.exe'... [INFO] Initializing... [DEBUG] Building pipeline... [INFO] Resolving dependencies... [DEBUG] Checking Strong Name... [DEBUG] Creating global .cctors... [DEBUG] Watermarking... [DEBUG] Executing 'Name analysis' phase... [DEBUG] Building VTables & identifier list... [DEBUG] Analyzing... [INFO] Processing module 'Coal_Allocation_Main.exe'... [DEBUG] Executing 'Invalid metadata addition' phase... [DEBUG] Executing 'Renaming' phase... [DEBUG] Renaming... [DEBUG] Executing 'Anti-debug injection' phase... [DEBUG] Executing 'Anti-dump injection' phase... [DEBUG] Executing 'Anti-ILDasm marking' phase... [DEBUG] Executing 'Encoding reference proxies' phase... [DEBUG] Executing 'Constant encryption helpers injection' phase... [DEBUG] Executing 'Resource encryption helpers injection' phase... [DEBUG] Executing 'Constants encoding' phase... [DEBUG] Executing 'Anti-tamper helpers injection' phase... [DEBUG] Executing 'Control flow mangling' phase... [DEBUG] Executing 'Post-renaming' phase... [DEBUG] Executing 'Anti-tamper metadata preparation' phase... [DEBUG] Executing 'Packer info extraction' phase... [INFO] Writing module 'koi'... [DEBUG] Encrypting resources... [INFO] Finalizing... [INFO] Packing... [DEBUG] Encrypting modules... [INFO] Protecting packer stub... [DEBUG] Discovering plugins... [INFO] Discovered 11 protections, 1 packers. [DEBUG] Resolving component dependency... [INFO] Loading input modules... [INFO] Loading 'Coal_Allocation_Main.exe'... [INFO] Initializing... [DEBUG] Building pipeline... [DEBUG] Executing 'Module injection' phase... [INFO] Resolving dependencies... [ERROR] Failed to resolve dependency of 'Coal_Allocation_Main.exe'. Exception: dnlib.DotNet.AssemblyResolveException: Could not resolve assembly: log4net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1b44e1d426115821 at dnlib.DotNet.Extensions.ResolveThrow(IAssemblyResolver self, IAssembly assembly, ModuleDef sourceModule) in e:\Source\Public\Confuser2\dnlib\src\DotNet\IAssemblyResolver.cs:line 134 at Confuser.Core.ConfuserEngine.Inspection(ConfuserContext context) in e:\Source\Public\Confuser2\Confuser.Core\ConfuserEngine.cs:line 252 [ERROR] Failed to protect packer stub. Failed at 9:28 AM, 0:02 elapsed.

yck1509 commented 9 years ago

Please try the latest builds at the CI Server.

knaveeng commented 9 years ago

Thank You !
Besides using the new build, I had you eliminate "anti dump" and "rename" feature to make sure the final executable works without error