yck1509 / ConfuserEx

An open-source, free protector for .NET applications
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Failure when an assembly depends on another(NuGet package) #312

Open galvesribeiro opened 9 years ago

galvesribeiro commented 9 years ago


I'm trying to use ConfuserEx. For a single assembly without references it works perfectly but, in my case, I have dependency on Newtonsoft.Json.Net.

Whe I add all my dlls on project tab that needs to be obfuscates, than hit Protect! this error come out:

[DEBUG] Creating global .cctors... [DEBUG] Watermarking... [DEBUG] Executing 'Name analysis' phase... [DEBUG] Building VTables & identifier list... [ERROR] Failed to resolve a type, check if all dependencies are present in the correct version. Exception: dnlib.DotNet.TypeResolveException: Could not resolve type: Newtonsoft.Json.SerializationBinder (Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed)

I assume that ConfuserEx isn't able to locate the referenced Json.Net assembly, so, how can I add this?

Thanks! Gutemberg

galvesribeiro commented 9 years ago

Already tried to add the \packages\Newtonsoft.Json.7.0.1\lib folder on the prob dir...

jeancc commented 9 years ago

Same problem. I've calls to external dll from my own dll and exe files. I need these calls don't be renamed by confuser, but still rename calls to my own methods and dlls.

yck1509 commented 8 years ago

Hi, Please include the assembly list at the bottom, it shows the assemblies found by ConfuserEx.

@jeancc: Please open a new issue about it.