yck1509 / ConfuserEx

An open-source, free protector for .NET applications
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What about roslyn / vs2015 / .NET 4.6? #380

Open Mikolaytis opened 8 years ago

Mikolaytis commented 8 years ago

it's sad that confuser can't obfuscate assemblies from vs2015. output assemblies throwing fatal errors

Fabi commented 8 years ago

works fine for me

yck1509 commented 8 years ago

Hi, Do you have any specific example that is having problem?

ghost commented 8 years ago

I get a MissingMethodException, but I have no idea what's the reason for the issue.

System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: '!0[] ‪​‫‫‪‏‪‭‮‭‎‮‬‮‮‎‍‬‎‪‫‌‭‎.getValues()'.

at ‌‎‍‏‎‭‎‌‏‌‍‭‌‬‏‫‎‭‭‎‏‍‫‮.‎‌‍‎‪‏‎‪‭‌‫‪‫‭‍‌‎‏‬‮‫‫‮‮()

at ‌‎‍‏‎‭‎‌‏‌‍‭‌‬‏‫‎‭‭‎‏‍‫‮.‮‮‍‪‍‫‬‌‎‫‮‬‌‎‏‎‍‌‫‏‬‌‪​‬‫‮()

at beM.J~FRE;Z4;0{OHr=@nJ3x$.‮‮‍‪‍‫‬‌‎‫‮‬‌‎‏‎‍‌‫‏‬‌‪​‬‫‮()

at beM.J~FRE;Z4;0{OHr=@nJ3x$.‌‏‍‫​‌‎‍‭‏‎‏‮​‭‍‮‬‫‌‏‭​‬‌‫‪‌‎‬‮(​‫​‌‌​‮‍‭‪‎‍​‏‍​‏‫‪‍‭‫‫‮ )

at beM.J~FRE;Z4;0{OHr=@nJ3x$..ctor(‌‍‪‍‮‫‫​‬‮‭‏‎‮‪‮‌‫‪​‫‬‎‎‏‬‭‮ profinetDeviceCatalogService, ​‫​‌‌​‮‍‭‪‎‍​‏‍​‏‫‪‍‭‫‫‮ profinetDevice)

at ‏​‍‎‪‮​‪‏‌‏‪‌‏‭​​‎‪‎‌‫‌‍‏‫‎‮.‮‬‪‬‫‪‎‭‬‭‫‏‏‮‪‌‮‌​‬‭‏‮(IEnumerable`1 , ‌‬​‮‍‭‫‌‏​‬‎‪‍‬‍‫‫‭​‍‏‮ )

at Waschhauser.Profinet.MSBuild.Tasks.PNC.Execute()

at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskExecutionHost.Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.ITaskExecutionHost.Execute()

at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.TaskBuilder.d__26.MoveNext()

yck1509 commented 8 years ago

Hi, Is there any sample code that can reproduce this issue?

nlips commented 8 years ago

It may be the bug #407

ghost commented 8 years ago

I'am not shure. Is there anything I can do to help you to reproduce the problem?

altk commented 8 years ago

Pseudocode, when I encountered the same error

<rule pattern="true">
  <protection id="rename">
    <argument name="mode" value="debug" />
internal interface IInterface<T> 
   Boolean Foo(T t);

abstract class AbstractClass<T> : IInterface<T>
    public Boolean Foo(T t) { ... }

sealed class Class : AbstractClass<TCLass>
Method not found: 'Boolean _xxx.IInterface`1.Foo(!0)