Closed cridemichel closed 3 years ago
Is it possible to show it as a png image?
No, vim is a text-based interface (TUI if you like) so there's no way to render PNGs.
If you are not willing to implement this could you give me some indication to implement this feature by myself (if you think is feasible)?
I don't think it's feasible. It might be possible to parse the markdown and see if it's just a PNG then call out to some third-party app which will display the png (like a web browser) ... but that's quite a lot of work.
first of all thank you very much for the reply, I know that vim is a text-based interface but in python it is easy to show a png and it shouldn't be such a huge work
in python it is easy to show a png and it shouldn't be such a huge work
Then have at it! I mean, I have no idea how this is expected to work if there is no UI (e.g. via SSH) or whatever, but please don't let us stop you playing !
via ssh you can use graphic through X11 (you surely used the flag -Y of ssh), but my question is: where in YCM sources (python ones) the response of texlab is handled? here.
Developer discussion happens on Gitter btw, it's much easier that way.
Python also can't draw PNGs in the console and I'd find opening a separate window very distracting.
This is where YCM transforms the data it gets from ycmd to vim's completion menu entries:
You'd have to parse extra_menu_info
Dear bstaletic,
thank you for the info, hence it is expected that if I issue an YCMHover, ycm processes the response of texlab through, however
I tried to add (adding also the related import at the begin of the file) inside the function ConvertCompletionDataToVimData
the following python instruction:
os.system('touch /Users/demichel/ycm.log')
but I did not obtain the file ycm.log
in my home directory after issuing the command YCMHover, why?
The file you changed is called completion request. Hover is a subcommand in which, appropriately, has is named
thank you again for the clarification, the string containing the png image is handled by the function
. In particular it is retrieved by ycm inself._response['detailed_info']
, which contains exactly the png string shown in my first post (that in the preview popup). Is it reasonable to handle the png within the StringResponse
function? adding the following lines in the function StringResponse
imgdata = base64.b64decode(stringa)
filename = '/Users/demichel/ycm.png'
os.system('open '+filename)
just after
# Completer threw an error ?
if self._response is None:
return ""
I obtained a preview image of the latex equation for which I issued the YCMHover command! Hence I confirm that it is rather easy to preview the equation obtained from texlab. What do you think about this? I think it could be a cool add-on for YCM, isn't it?
An external tool works for some users, not for everyone. open
is also a macOS thing. On linux you'd have to hope that the user has installed and configured xdg-open
. I'm the first who doesn't have xdg-open
even installed. That means you'd have to start guessing the image viewer. Can you guess that I have feh
installed? And who knows how to open things on Windows. That means, in order to open PNGs, YCM would have to pull in a new dependency - an image rendering library.
Besides that, think about tiling window managers. Two things can happen:
That means that spawning windows at random can be very disruptive.
Also, you're not deleting old PNGs. You could do things with tempfile
python module, but, with all of the above, you can see how this isn't really a simple change that can work for everyone and not be disruptive.
mine was just a proof-of-concept to exploit texlab response, of course "open" is a mac osx thing and I do not intend to use "xdg-open" or the like for linux. The png image can be visualized just relying on python, which would be a portable solution. But if you think my effort will lead to nowhere, I can give up not wasting more time anymore, best C.
It’s extremely unlikely that we would merge this feature, sorry. But that shouldn’t mean you can’t keep your changes locally and keep hackin!
ok, no problem I understand your concerns best Cristiano
Dear, just for you information to have a preview of latex equation I added this to my .vimrc
function! MyShowHoverResult( response )
let lines = split( a:response, "\n" )
let len = max( map( copy( lines ), "len( v:val )" ) )
let wrap = 0
let col = 'cursor'
" max width is screen columns minus x padding (2)
if len >= (&columns - 2)
" There's at least one line > our max - enable word wrap and draw the
" popup at the leftmost column
let col = 1
let wrap = 1
"echo "syn=" . b:ycm_hover.syntax
let s:ycm_hover_popup = popup_atcursor(
\ lines,
\ {
\ 'col': col,
\ 'wrap': wrap,
\ 'padding': [ 0, 1, 0, 1 ],
\ 'moved': 'word',
\ 'maxwidth': &columns,
\ 'close': 'click',
\ 'fixed': 0,
\ }
\ )
call setbufvar( winbufnr( s:ycm_hover_popup ),
\ '&syntax',
\ b:ycm_hover.syntax )
function! MyShowDataPopup(response) abort
"let response = youcompleteme#GetCommandResponse( 'GetHover' )
if a:response == ''
if s:ycm_hover_popup!=-1
call popup_close( s:ycm_hover_popup )
let s:texlr = split(a:response,",")
if len(s:texlr) > 1 && s:texlr[0] == "![preview](data:image/png;base64"
let s:hdr = s:texlr[0]
let s:body= s:texlr[1]
let s:ltw = [ s:body ]
let s:fn="/tmp/ycm_texlab_preview_png_base64.dat"
let s:pyexe='/Users/demichel/bin/'
if !executable(s:pyexe)
echoerr s:pyexe . " executable is not in path"
call writefile(s:ltw, s:fn, "a")
silent! execute "!python3 ". s:pyexe . " " . s:fn
silent! execute "!rm -f ".s:fn
"let s:ycm_hover_popup=-1
call MyShowHoverResult(a:response)
" following one is a simpler solution than MyShowDataPopup() function which has been grabbed fron YCM python sources
"let s:ycm_hover_popup = popup_atcursor( balloon_split( a:response ), {} )
function! YCMGetDetInfo() abort
if !has_key( b:, 'ycm_hover' )
" choose one of tha available commands
let cmds = youcompleteme#GetDefinedSubcommands()
if index( cmds, 'GetHover' ) >= 0
let b:ycm_hover = {
\ 'command': 'GetHover',
\ 'syntax': 'tex',
\ }
elseif index( cmds, 'GetDoc' ) >= 0
let b:ycm_hover = {
\ 'command': 'GetDoc',
\ 'syntax': 'tex',
\ }
elseif index( cmds, 'GetType' ) >= 0
let b:ycm_hover = {
\ 'command': 'GetType',
\ 'syntax': 'tex',
\ }
let b:ycm_hover = {}
call youcompleteme#GetCommandResponseAsync(function( 'MyShowDataPopup' ), b:ycm_hover.command )
autocmd! FileType tex nnoremap <buffer> <leader>yh :call YCMGetDetInfo()<CR>
is the following python script
import base64,sys
from PIL import Image
with open(fn) as f:
for l in lines:
s += l.strip('\n')
imgdata = base64.b64decode(s)
filename = fn.split('.')[0]+'.png' # I assume you have a way of picking unique filenames
with open(filename,'wb') as fb:
image =
I am posting this since maybe there are other ycm users interested in this feature,
best Cristiano
Issue Prelude
Please complete these steps and check these boxes (by putting an
inside the brackets) before filing your issue:vim --version
command.vim -Nu /path/to/YCM/vimrc_ycm_minimal
, including what I expected to happen and what actually
) including its invocationThank you for adhering to this process! It ensures your issue is resolved quickly and that neither your nor our time is needlessly wasted.
Issue Details
Dear developers, I am using texlab ( ), which is a language server for latex, with YCM and opening the following latex file
with the following minimal vimrc file:
if I move the cursor within the eqnarray environment (i.e. if I place the cursor between
latex instructions) and in normal mode I press<space>yh
(to trigger YCMHover) I get the following response from texlab language server:i.e. texlab provides a png preview of the equation. Is it possible to show it as a png image? If you are not willing to implement this could you give me some indication to implement this feature by myself (if you think is feasible)?
best Cristiano
Diagnostic data
Output of
vim --version
Output of
Output of
Output of
git rev-parse HEAD
in YouCompleteMe installation directoryContents of YCM, ycmd and completion engine logfiles